Sage Smudging Stick | MEDIUM
Sage Smudging Stick | MEDIUM

Sage Smudging Stick | MEDIUM

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Sage Smudging Stick

Smudging with Sage is an ancient spiritual ritual; used thousands of years ago by Native Americans. People, spaces and environments we are surrounded by can drain our energy or can cause negative energy to remain with us. Using Sage Smudging Sticks can help to cleanse negative or stagnant energy and bring it back to its highest, purest most vibrant form.   Another powerful, special practice we are passionate about creating awareness around!



> Whenever shifting home! It is so important to remove the energies from previous people to start fresh.  

> Sage your Energy Feild after being around large groups of people, or after you have been around someone you felt had a 'heavy' or 'negative' vibe to them. Sometimes if you are constantly thinking about someone this can mean you are energetically attached, sageing can help clear this energy cord. 

> When stress, worry or anxiety is actively in your life more than normal. This can be caused from other people’s energies weighing you down, it is important to cleanse ourselves of other energies that don’t serve our highest good.

> When you want to attract high vibes to your sacred space, home, or office. Keeping the positive energy flowing around your home, so more love and happiness can be present.

> A good clean out of energy’s after a loss, challenging event, or argument. Sometimes having a good cleanse of the home can really change the whole feeling of the home for all, especially after situations that are of sadness or anger.

> When ever you feel something not quite right.  Things are not flowing as they normally do, unexplained incidences occur, un-easy feeling can mean it’s time to cleanse.


Each Medium Sage Stick is aprox 15cm long