Energy Healing
Both Jared & Louise are Reiki Energy Master Teachers. Sharing the same passion of helping people, healing past & current traumas stored in the physical body, emotional body and energy field. To reduce stress & balance our spiritual flow.
Jared and Louise offer different healing methods; both starting their training in Reiki, Jared also works with Quantum Energy Healing and Intuitive Release Technique and Louise does Intuitive Channeled Energy Healing, with a strong sense of emotional blockages across all timelines, along with Reiki Energy. Both Providing energy work with just tier own individual gifts, double sessions (with both Jared and Louise) are available on request.

Quantum Energy & Intuitive Physical Release Energy Healing, with Jared:
With the guidance of Jared's spiritual team and following his gift he's had as a young child, he has developed a personalized method to healing. Focusing on finding, releasing, then healing the areas within the body that store physical pain. This could be caused by a number of things, fear, traumatic experiences, emotions, grief etc.. we don't need to know what it is we are healing; we just need it to move on to bring the body back to its natural balance.
"Being connected to the earth and using our elements is very important to me during sessions. The ability to call on mother earth to hold space, transmute & ground while we journey through the layers and levels is a powerful experience. During a session I call in Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Spirit Animals, Archangels and all those working for the highest good of the individual to join the healing session. Working within the Quantum level is truly an incredible experience, and everyone is unique, so much gratitude" - Jared
Jared also uses Reiki within every session, ensuring all Chakras are cleared, balanced & back to full power.
Sessions are 1hour | Personal Investment of: $120 ($20 off for all of December now $100)
Intuitive & Channeled Energy Healing with Louise:
These sessions have expanded for Louise, as a multi-dimensional healer who works alongside your spiritual team, angelic realms, spiritual ancestors, ascended masters, light codes & star beings to deepen and expand your healing. Sessions are very much personalized to you, Lou is divinely guided to what is needed for each individual and no one healing will be the same.
The sessions also use Reiki, this ensures all Chakras balanced & vibrant. Your field is cleared of negativity, pain & hurt, energy cords that don't serve your highest good, finishing in oneness, grounding and an open heart.
Louise works as a vessel, that enables & guides healing help from higher angelic connections is what makes this a truly unique and special experience as it's divinely guided from a Quantum level.
Lou helps people find their inner gifts, power and empowerment. Believing we are all light and have the answers within us already.
Sessions are 1-1.5hours | Personal Investment of $120 ($20 off for all of December now $100)
.Book here:
Reiki Energy Healing
Relax away while you sink deeper into the table and your energy centers / Chakras are cleared, balanced and set back to their full potential. A deeply relaxing experience, where grounding you back down is a huge focus. Most people live highly stressful lives, in burnt out, overwhelm or lack of self care; there for grounding and bringing you back 'down to earth' is important and living in the head 'fight flight' causes many issues.
Reiki sessions are gentle, relaxing and great for someone who is holding lots of emotions, lack of life purpose or their nervous system needs some help.
Reiki is a form of energy healing used for centuries all over the world. Reiki has been known to greatly improve stress, balance & heal past emotional trauma, move emotional blocks that are stored in your energy field or physical body and create and over all balance and deep relaxation to ones energy. There is so much to Reiki, being such an ancient practice, carries sacred power.