Understanding the Masculine & Feminine Energy Workshop
18th JANUARY 2025
•Men learn, understand and encourage your woman. How to work with her ever-changing moods, constant change of mind/emotion, pushing & challenging you (learning the difference between ‘nagging’ & pushing you for your best interest because she cares), how to truly touch her heart through all the walls of stress & hurt.
•Woman learn, accept and worship the healthy masculine in your man. His un-changing, his need for freedom, why he doesn’t hear everything you say or understand everything you feel- learning to accept it and how to work together with it, what he needs from his chosen woman, how does a healthy masculine man act & respond. How living in your feminine with an open heart effects his ability to respond in his masculine rather than reaction, detachment- working together in balanced polarity.
How often do you hear or think to yourself ‘men and woman are from different planets!’
Well we are. And we are ment to be the polar opposite!
The yin & yang of balance. When In balance it works!! The problem is most couples try to change, ignore or discourage each others internal individual essence. Or they both arnt living as their inner essence so the balance and trust in each other isn’t there.
example: woman control, have to direct & manage (in their masculine energy) and men don’t live their purpose or in their fearless true masculine state, leaving them with lack of direction & strength (in their feminine or boy energy) Woman have to live in their masculine essence because they don’t receive it from the man.
When this Masculine energy and Feminine energy is in TRUE healthy balance then relationships work. They expand, they flow, they complete and empower each other.
When they are heavy in one essence, when each person isn’t balanced within themselves- it creates conflict, closure, reactions, blame, withdrawal, distractions, disappointments, shallow sex or no sex at all…
Who’s it for:
-Couples wanting to deepen their relationship, to a conscious, sensual & connective level!
-For singles wanting to understand themselves, their own energy and what they unconsciously attract in a future partner. Also understanding the 3 phases of men & women- which one do you sit in, therefor which phase you attract into your life.
-Couples who are struggling. Same stuff, same fights, same challenges, same promises…. What if the basic inner instinct of you both is causing this. When you understand each other opposite ways it gets so much easier.
-For mothers to learn their sons, fathers to encourage their daughters. Coaches, trainers, healers to understand the masculine & feminine essence.
This workshop will be down to earth, more seminar/education type, no on the spot or yoga moves. So men who feel nervous in these types of environments- rest assured you'll be fine and truuuuuust us the results you'll have within your relationship will make it all worth it!
This workshop is a special one. A down to earth, straight forward ‘learn & understand the masculine energy and the feminine energy’
We do this with specific exercises, live examples, learnings and techniques.
It’s full of laughs, light bulb moments, relatability and excitement for new things to come.
Couples: $110
Singles: $60
18th January 2025 | 9th February 2025 | 30th March 2025
Rural Matamata
Contact us for registration details