•Carries a strong Masculine energy.
•Helpful for grief and challenging situations.
•Base & Heart Chakra.
•Integrative tool for deep spiritual meditation or journeying.
Kambaba Jasper is highly regarded for its protective qualities and its ability to promote balance, success, and triumph.
Kambaba Jasper embodies the divine Masculine and acts as a reminder of one’s true self, life purpose and clear direction forward. Helpful for men and for woman wanting to balance their feminine essence into harmony with their inner masculine essence.
Connected to the Base Chakra and Heart Chakra and the element of earth. Very grounding, keeping us in our human body.
It is particularly useful for helping us to find a new sense of balance during and directly after intense situations. It can also help us to let go of any emotional/mental obsession or trauma. This makes it a particularly good stone to have after breakups or during times of grieving as it can help us to make peace with what is and to move forward in our life.
It is a stone that reminds us that we are meant to be happy, that life goes on, and that we need to go on too.
It is also a valuable tool for shamanic journeying, astral work, and deep spiritual meditation. This stone keeps us grounded and integrates the wisdom gained from spiritual experiences.